Courses - 55Alive Driving Refresher
Renew Your Driving Skills for Today’s Traffic
“I’ve been driving for a long time. Why should I take a driving course now?”
To update your driving skills. Even if you haven’t been involved in a collision in 40 years, it may be time to review your driving skills. With aging, changes occur in hearing, vision, flexibility and reaction time. You can learn to adjust your skills to compensate for those changes.
Do Any Of These Situations Bother You?
- Entering or exiting a highway
- Changing lanes on the highway
- Passing
- Parking
- Left Turns
- Yielding the right of way
- Night driving
- Winter driving
- The frustrations of today’s complicated traffic environment
If so, you will benefit from taking the 55 Alive Driver Refresher Course.
To inquire about attending one of our 55 Alive courses, please contact Brian Fehr at
P.O. Box 8562
Saskatoon, SK S7K 6K6
Phone: 306-955-4003
Toll Free: 1-877-955-4003
Courses: 306-260-6557